For international workers' solidarity with Cuba


[This declaration was unanimously approved by the International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba, held at the Convention Centre in Havana on May 2.]

During the last 50 years Cuba and its revolution has been a paradigm in the aspirations of equity and social justice for millions of workers around the world, as well as a reference of resistance and dignity in the face of the imperialist aggressive policy unleashed by the successive US administrations, with the only aim of breaking the goals accomplished by the Cuban people in the course of more than half a century of struggle in the search for freedom.

At a very early stage and after the triumph of the Revolution of 1959, the Cuban people have suffered the onslaughts of the criminal blockade to which Cuba has been submitted by the United States, reinforced in recent years, testing the capacity of endurance and willingness of the Cuban people to struggle, demonstrating day after day, under the guidance of comrade Fidel, and having the unity of the people as a fundamental premise, their firm decision of overcoming and advancing towards improving living standards and social justice for all.

Blockading Cuba economically has not been sufficient, the Cuban people have also been victimized by the militaristic imperialist policy and the many terrorist actions encouraged and protected by obstinate US administrations. With extraordinary courage, the Cuban people have faced and still face such policies, adopting the firm determination of defending their nation even at the cost of their blood.

Along these years, the workers represented in their labour and trade union movements, under the glorious Cuban Workers Trade Union Central (CTC), have been faithful to their traditions of struggle and have become exceptional protagonists of their Revolution; each man and woman, from their worksite, emerges as defenders of their Revolution, for which so many gave their lives.

Even under such circumstances, Cuba’s solidarity has been one of its fundamental principles. Abundant Cuban blood has been shed in countries that have struggled for their independence; thousands of Cuban workers have offered their fair-minded contribution in many of our nations, carrying the light of knowledge to the most needed, the miracle of saving human lives and quality healthcare for all, toiling our soils with the strength their hands, in our factories, schools and social projects, all in favour of the economic and social welfare of our peoples.

Cuba has performed in the same fashion in the political international scenarios, identifying and defending the most just causes in favour of peoples’ self-determination.

Therefore, the representatives of the trade unions present in Havana, on the occasion of this Meeting, linked to May Day celebrations, expresses our utmost sentiments of gratitude for the examples given to the world by the Cuban Revolution, their workers and its people during these 50 years of struggles and victories, as well as for each and every one of their numerous gestures of brotherhood and solidarity towards our peoples.

Equally, we would like to express our support to the just demand for putting an end to the criminal blockade to which Cuba has been submitted, demanding the suspension of the militaristic policy and the exercise of terrorism for which five Cuban compatriots are serving unjust incarceration in US penitentiaries being entitled to immediate release.

Because of all the above, we call on all trade union international organizations to demand on the coming 12 of September 2009, in the surrounding areas of US diplomatic venues, the freedom of the five and the granting of visas for Adriana [Perez] and Olga [Salanueva].

Recently, the Summit of the Americas, held in Trinidad & Tobago, revealed the unanimous claim of the Latin American and Caribbean countries for putting an end to the blockade against Cuba and Cuba’s right to fully participate in the diverse international scenarios. Thus, the participants in this Meeting express our coincidence with such demands and we also greet the efforts that are being made in the Region in order to change the present state of relations, in which Cuba is a beacon and guide for our nations.

Also, we want to clearly express our greetings to the Cuban Workers Trade Union Central (CTC), for its 70th Anniversary, recognizing its commitment and unity around the Revolution; its protagonism during all these years, for its accompaniment and solidarity towards our struggles and because of its restless struggle in defence of the most defining ideals of social justice.

Long live the Cuban Revolution!

Long live the unity of the working class!

President Obama: Free the Cuban Five, end the blockade on the people of Cuba!

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