Compact fluorescent light globes are as bright as incandescent globes but consume 75-80% less energy and last 5-10 years.
Mining & Energy
Issue 10 - April 2009
Issue 9 - March 2009
The approval by Ecuador’s parliament on January 29 of a new mining law sparked protests and civil disobedience throughout the country.
Issue 5 - October 2008
The enthusiasm for nuclear power in sections of the ALP that was nurtured during the government of the previous prime minister, John Howard, has not been dampened.
Issue 3 - August 2008
Yogyakarta – An estimated 20,000 Indonesian farmers from 10 villages will be displaced if an Australian company proceeds with a proposed iron sand mine. The venture would span some 22km of coastline of the Kulon Progo regency in the Yogyakarta Special Region, on the south coast of Java.
Issue 2 - July 2008
From the start, NSW Labor Premier Morris Iemma’s attempt to privatise the state’s electricity industry – “the most important micro-economic reform in this state in decades” – has been marked by hypocrisy from all sides of official politics.
Exactly 20 years after his June 23, 1988 testimony to the US Senate, which alerted the public that global warming was underway, Dr James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, offered a sobering deadline – one year – to begin deffusing the “global warming time bomb”.